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Dir. Taryn Edmonds


HD video, colour & sound

A fictional city under siege, Amnesha considers the relationship between the coronavirus pandemic and the severe environmental pressures caused by the anthropocene, and playfully hints at an alternative, emerging future.

Webcam footage from around the world captured during the first lockdown mechanically observe popular tourist destinations and places of cultural interest. Emptied of people, these spaces become uncannily transformed, highlighting architectural flights of fancy, while advertising panels with hastily re-imagined slogans that attempt to capitalise on the chaos blare their wares at no-one. Underscored by a short story based on Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, in which all the places described are in fact only one city, Amnesha inverts this notion, presenting a global snapshot of our changed relationship with the city during this time.

Film Festival Selections 2021:

Bristol International Short Film Festival, UK

Semi-finalist Best Artistic Film / Super Short Category - Alternative Film Festival, Ontario, Canada

Semi-finalist Best Experimental Film Category - Couch Film Festival, Ontario, Canada

Virtual Cinema Festival, Seattle, USA

Architecture Rotterdam Film Festival, Netherlands

Lund International Architecture Film Festival, Sweden

Better Cities Film Festival, Detroit, USA

Finalist - Urban Visions : Beyond the Ideal City, Bologna, Italy

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